Critical Care
We partner with you on the front line of intensive care, so you can deliver accurate and effective treatments with confidence.
Intensive care unit (ICU) patients under your care have the highest need for monitoring and treatment in the hospital, and they often have comorbidities1. We know caring for your ICU patients is often a race against the clock.
We’re committed to being your partner with superior quality generic injectables that support your ability to treat Hospital Acquired Infections.
In India, the occurrence of hospital acquired infections is high. Especially, device associated hospital acquired infection rate is as high as 20.1%2, making it a major cause of mortality3. As a leader in Novel Drug Delivery System, our innovative infusion delivery system helps you treat patients in ICU with lesser risk of hospital acquired infection.
Advancing Global Critical Care
Our continuous renal replacement technology is available in more than 80 countries, and in 29 languages.
Our CRRT technology can deliver a high standard of care when AKI occurs in the ICU; more than 7 million treatments have been provided globally.
Our CRRT technology is a highly accurate system that is built with safety features to help you closely monitor and manage patient care.

The PrisMax System
Our PrisMax System is designed to provide individualized care for critically ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) through the delivery of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) and other organ support therapies. The flexible system is compatible with a wide range of membranes for individual patient needs, including those with lower body weight. The PrisMax system also builds on our commitment to safety with integrated features that monitor therapy setup and delivery and may help reduce human error.
Rx Only. For safe and proper use of the PrisMax System, refer to the complete instructions in the Operator's Manual or User's Guide.

The innovative PRISMAFLEX System is designed to support the recovery of critically ill patients with acute kidney injury (AKI). The flexible system meets the demands of multiple therapies with a versatile platform that can be customized to specific patient needs.
Its fluid algorithms help balance patient chemistry with fluid removal for optimal therapy delivery. You can monitor how much therapy the patient is receiving within 7 mL of fluid accuracy, at any given time.
When time is precious, PRISMAFLEX may also help by providing automatic adjustments and immediate visual feedback about the treatment. With this system, you can spend your time serving, observing and caring for patients – not managing machines.